Reportajes de Prensa del libro Niños de México del fotógrafo, escritor y documentalista Manuel Peñafiel

In 1980, the Mexican Social Security Intitute hired Manuel Peñafiel to take the photographs to publish the book Children of Mexico.

En 1980, Manuel Peñafiel a été embauché par L’Institute Mexicain de Sécurité Sociale pour prendre des photos pour le livre Enfants du Mexique.

En 1980, el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social IMSS contrató a Manuel Peñafiel para tomar las fotografías del libro Niños de México.

The work of Mexican photographer Manuel Penafiel has been presented in important cultural centers throughout the world.

His photographs have been shown in Japan , Russia , France , Belgium , Turkey , Spain , Italy ,
Cuba , Poland , Bulgaria , the Republic of Czechoslovakia , Indonesia and the Netherlands.

In Mexico his work has been exhibited at the Palace of Fine Arts, the Museum of Modern Art , the Chopo University Museum , the National Cultural Museum , the Felipe Santiago Gutierrez Museum , the Cuernavaca City Museum , the Cultural Institute of Morelos and in numerous cultural centers and galleries throughout the country.
He is the author of the books The State of Mexico ( 1975 ) , Mexico ( 1976 ) , The Doctors of the Social Security ( 1980 ) , Children of Mexico ( 1980 ), Spells and Desires ( 2001 ) , Emiliano Zapata, a brave man who wrote history in his own blood ( 2002 ), and he have made the interactive compact disc Passion for Light ( 1996 ) .
His photographic work has been published by Nippon Geijutsu Shuppansha, Nippon Camera, Photo Japon, Photo France, Foto Forum, Cuartoscuro, FotoZoom, Sin Línea, Hoja de Ruta, El Perro Azul, Mexicanisimo, La Verdad con Hechos, and many other magazines and journals.

Manuel Penafiel is the producer and director of photography for the world wide awarded documentaries The Last Zapatistas , Forgotten Heroes ( 2000 ) and Pancho Villa , the Revolution is not over ( 2006 ), he has been awarded for his Visionary Cinematography and for the Historic and Social Content of his films.

In Mexico Manuel Penafiel has been awarded by FotoZoom Magazine of Arts and Photography for his photographic art with The Goddess of Light ( 2005 ), and The Cosmic Man ( 2008 ).

La Mexicana Broadcasting Company awarded him for his artistic trajectory and cultural contribution ( 2009 ). His biography can be found in The Enciclopaedia of Mexico Volume XI.

Born in Mexico City 1948, this artist nowadays lives in The State of Morelos, Mexico.

©Manuel Peñafiel
Fotógrafo, Escritor y Documentalista Mexicano.
El contenido literario y fotográfico de esta publicación está protegido por los Derechos de Autor, las Leyes de Propiedad Literaria y Leyes de Propiedad Intelectual. Sin embargo, puede ser reproducido con fines didáctico - culturales sin omitir el nombre de la fuente, el autor y los créditos de las fotografías; queda prohibido utilizarlo con fines de lucro.
This publication is protected by Copyright, Literary Property Laws and Intellectual Property Laws. It can only be used for didactic and cultural purposes mentioning the author and credit of the photograph.
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